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Link List Block

The Link List block provides a way to more prominently display links to resources.


The Link List block is most often used immediately below a paragraph block, and it provides a way to link out to resources that may have been discussed in the preceding paragraph(s).

The block can display links in either one or two columns. It will automatically balance the links between the two columns so that they are both similar in length.

Items within the Link List block can link to a page within the same site or any external URL.

Similar Blocks

There are many ways within the NC State Theme to link out to additional resources.

The more understated options are to link within a paragraph of text or to provide a bulleted list of links. More prominent options include the use of buttons and the Featured Content block. The Link List block is a good option for when you have 3-5 resources that need to be displayed in a semi-prominent manner.

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