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Audio Player Block

Share podcasts, speeches, music, and more.

This block allows content maintainers to embed audio content directly into their posts. This block is ideal for sharing a speech, a piece of music, or a conversation captured on a podcast. Not only does it allow for the upload of audio, this block also includes a custom header, title, teaser, and thumbnail along with the option to change the background color.

example of the audio block

Note: in an effort to keep posts using the Audio block accessible, users will be prompted to provide a transcript to accompany the audio associated with the block. This is not mandatory in the case of audio that does not contain spoken words, but users must opt out by clicking the “Transcript not required” button (see example below).

example of transcript not required field in the gutenberg editor

Block Availability

This block is available for users with the Enhanced Add-on platform while using the Immersive post template.

Need Help?

Interested in using the Audio Player block? Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns at