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Supported and Unsupported Migrations

When converting between an old version of the UComm NC State Theme and the new Gutenberg version, certain modules support automatic conversion to block counterparts, while other data may need to be manually converted.

Supported Conversions

The following blocks and shortcodes are fully supported for automatic conversion in the new Gutenberg NC State Theme. Once a page or post is converted to blocks (via the Convert to Blocks mechanism), the following shortcodes and modules will automatically convert into their new block counterparts.

Module NameBlock Name
TextHeadings, Paragraphs, Lists
FactBig Fact
Image DividerMedia Divider
Mini StoryMini Story
Linked ListLinked List
Featured ContentFeatured Content
Highlight (component)Mini Story
Shortcode NameBlock Name
Giving FormGiving Form
Marketing QuoteTestimonial
Spotlight BoxSpotlight Box
Video ImageVideo Image

Unsupported, But Coming Soon

The following blocks do not currently have automatic conversions available, as the block equivalent version is planned but still unreleased. In these cases, you may choose to leave the content as-is (will not render) until the equivalent block is available for conversion, or select an alternative block to manually copy/paste the old data into. This decision will likely be determined by how critical the old content in these modules was to the purpose of your page.

Module NameBlock Name
News (RSS feed)Coming soon
Link Blocks (component)Coming soon

Automatic Conversion Unsupported

The following blocks and shortcodes were previously supported in older versions of the NC State Theme, but do not have a direct equivalent in the new Gutenberg version. All content previously entered in these blocks is preserved, but will not appear as it used to.

Each instance where these modules and shortcodes were used should be evaluated on a case by case basis during site review and manually migrated to another block (or deleted). The Content Converter Block will help you find these unsupported bits of content and provide a copy/paste friendly version of the data to aid in the process.

Listed below are potential alternative blocks to explore.

Module NamePotential Alternative Blocks
CTA Icon BlockFact List
HTMLNo Equivalency
Photo GalleryInstagram Feed
Single TweetNo Equivalency
StorybookMini Story, Featured Content, Headings/Paragraphs
Featured Content (Component version)Featured Content
Newswire FeedAutomated Posts, Featured Content
Shortcode NamePotential Alternative Blocks
BoxSpotlight Box
Responsive IframeNo Equivalency
Retina ImageImage
Social BoxNo Equivalency

For more information about how to handle unsupported migration content, see the full Content Converter Block topic.

Need help?

Have questions? Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns at