Jul 17, 2018
New approach narrows down huge calculations – like those involved in quantum physics – by focusing on a single, predictive parameter.
Jul 10, 2018
Program and Location: French Language and Culture in Lille, Paris & Normandy; Lille, France Why did you choose to study abroad? I wanted to experience the French language and culture first-hand. It has always been my dream to travel to […]
Jul 6, 2018
Program and Location: Belize: Global Health and Physiology; Orange Walk Town, Belize Why did you choose to study abroad? I had never gotten the opportunity to travel outside of the United States and I knew that was something I wanted […]
Jun 29, 2018
Vitamin D receptor is target for disruption by environmental chemicals
Why do individuals respond differently to the same environment? Researchers find connection between genes, response to environmental Chemicals
Jun 26, 2018
Program and Location: Semester in Spain: Language and Culture; Santander, Spain Why did you choose to study abroad? I wanted to experience other cultures, especially Spanish culture. I also wanted to immerse myself in a Spanish speaking community so I […]
Jun 4, 2018
ChemMaps lets users navigate the chemical space of over 8,000 drugs and 47,000 environmental compounds in 3D and real time.
May 30, 2018
A new synthetic compound inspired by a natural product could be a useful chemical tool for studying antibiotic-resistant infections.
May 29, 2018
A new way to probe granular materials without disturbing them may enable researchers to forecast their failure.
May 24, 2018
A B1 precursor called cHET can be easily taken up and used in extremely small concentrations by phytoplankton and plants.